Sunday, May 31, 2009

Off the Beaten Track

Off the Beaten Track....!!

You've changed my whole life around
You've picked me up from where I fell down
You've made me strong when I was weak
All our promises, I pomise to keep

You've taught the truth behind my lies
You've been the tears behind my cries
You've been the trust that keeps me on
You've been the shelter during storm

You've been my aid to learning what's new
You've been my experience from what I've been through
You've shown me emotions I never thought I'd feel
For all this, I know my feelings are real

My one wish, that I pray stays true .. I hope, i am forever with you.


Saturday, May 09, 2009

Idling in life

Good one from Robin Sharma again, very apt for people like me who are not delivering using their full potential, here it goes

"Sure it's important to renew. Regeneration and genuine re-creation set you up for your next level of peak performance. But I suggest it's so very important to distinguish between real renewal and idle escape. Pure wastes of time just aren't good for the soul.

When I was in New York City recently, I noted that someone caught sitting with their car idling could be fined $2000 USD. Maybe we should impose a similar sanction on ourselves when we catch ourselves doing nothing. But wasting life.

You are here to play big with your life. To radically break through your previous best and to innovate your way to excellence in your work. So that when you're done, you'll know you did your life well. You can't idle and get to great. Make a choice."


What makes all Mother’s special ?



When I came home drenched in the rain my brother said –

“Why don’t you take an umbrella with you !”

My sister said –

“Why didn’t you wait till the rain stopped !”

My father angrily said –

“You will only learn after getting a cold !”

But my mother while drying my hair said –

“Stupid rain !”