Thursday, October 02, 2008

Success An Exploration...& Journey

Every time i revisit my memories, or dream about future, word "Success" comes again and again and again in most of my thoughts and sentences. All of us have different aspirations of becoming a successful something..CEO, Brand Manager, Project manager, Teacher, Son, Father, Mother, Spouse, or whatever ...I want to understand meaning of the word "Success " what it is and why it is so illusive...for most of us, always.
Success, in a worldly sense or by societal yardstick, is mostly evaluated in terms of status, recognition, fame, money, awards, rewards, and similar criteria. Success mostly connotes a comparison...comparison with people of similar background and competition generally siblings, friends, colleagues, neighbours.
If a person has done better than others in his or her field or area of work, he may be considered successful, will be considered like me ( a wanderer) , my understanding says Success means different things to different people.
Success is defined in terms of being able to do what one wanted to do. In my circle of friends, for one, success meant changing people’s lives...helping others and gaining name. For another, it meant happiness...enjoyment, living life full of comforts and luxuries ...
And I perceive success in terms of achieving benchmark standards; great relations with people, doings things differently; curiosity, originality and significance; and keep setting newer & higher goals and reaching those goals...gaining fame...I give much emphasis on doing what I thought I should be doing.
Personality traits such as social skills and interpersonal ease are central determinants of success in the corporate the same time i believe in Luck, good connections, timings, and burning desire is critical and important in determining success
Another crucial key to success is a sense of positive self-esteem...belief of " I can do it" “Thousands of people are exposed to golden opportunities in their life-time but the person who can capitalize on those opportunities that knock once or several times is the one who has inner sense of confidence in his competence to convert possibilities into successful products. Because of the high regard one has experienced in the past, the person with positive self-esteem has the psychological energy to pursue his goal impediments, frustrations, and other limitations
People may say that ‘success’ is subjective, but everyone is likely to define success differently. Further, personal definition of success of an individual may not necessarily match with the societal definition of success. ... terms such as money, status, awards etc. may not appear in the personal definitions of many successful people, whom i know...
It is very important to acknowledge that people do not necessarily work towards getting something that society acknowledges as success, or achieving of what they have not had in the past
Analysis of success brings me to the thought of identifying role models of the successful people, and what qualities did they admire in their role models or what qualities or values they tried to imbibe was thought worth exploring.
My personal experience is very very positive in case of experiments with Role Models.... someone we are/were influenced by, someone we admired and looked up to, someone we tried to emulate. Generally whom we interact in real life, may be our family member, teacher, friend, neighbour.....few role models are constant for me in the life, some are changing with the changed life and career stages.
Lastly.. success costs some price and that price is usually in terms of the deterioration of one’s private life, increased stress, self-doubt, loss of emotional feeling, loss of friends, decreased ability to relate to others, sense of selfishness, and moreover what is success today, would be just one more past incident of life tomorrow.
Success is a moving target, always relative to make you run behind it till eternity. Isn't Happiness is more important virtue in our life than Success...!!
Success may give us temporary Happiness, but Pursuit of Happiness can give us permanent Success..
Good Night

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