Thursday, November 20, 2008

अपने जनम दिन की पूर्व संध्या पर...अपने आप से कुछ शब्द॥

आशा तृष्णा से भरा जीवन मेरा
क्यो भाग रहा, क्यो हार गया
क्यों भागा था मै सब पाने कों ?
जिनको अब छोड़ना है मुश्किल
संगर्ष जितना पाने में था
बड़ा है उस से छोड़ने का
क्या पाया है क्या खोना है
सब मिथ्या है सब धोखा है
जो सहा था वह न दोहराएँगे
सबसे पाया तिरस्कार भी
अपमान भी , सन्मान भी
न झूठ था पहले
न सच है आज
क्यो चाहा है मैंने
जिनको मै भूल गया
क्यो भूल रहा हु
जिनको मै चाहता हु।
हर संकल्प में विकल्प कों क्यो खोजता हु
क्यो इस जीवन की पराजय कों स्वीकार करता हु.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Art of Living..

Art of Living

After finishing weekend household chores, catching up with couple of movies on DVD, this afternoon I was not having any thing to do.., neither any guests were lined up, nor we were scheduled to go anywhere, kids were busy too with their friends and playing in the clubhouse.

In the evening Sneha ji ( my better half), and myself aimlessly started from home, just around the corner at traffic signal i suggested, why don't we go to Gurudwara now, she was happy as well surprised.., as I generally I go alone or with kids, I turned the steering and within a minute we were there (very close to my place in Thane).

Being a Sunday evening very few people come to gurudwara, as people visit in the morning ; only couple of us were there in the sangat , and three raagis were singing wonderful shabad kirtan and explaining its meaning, nothing new or magical, being hearing from childhood, but the way of explanation was given as well as my receptiveness or openness to understand today was different. I am attempting to verbalise it by writing it down so that my thoughts remain and i revisit them regularly to imbibe in my life.

"Five thieves who live within this body are Kam (lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh (greed), Moh (worldly attachment) and Ahankar (pride). They rob us of Amrit ( nectar or Ambrosia) of life, To get rid of this five cardinal vices,

  • One need not fast,to get favours from god, let our conduct be the fasting.
  • Whether we eat vegetarian food or not does not matter. Who can define what is meat and what is plant? Who knows where the sin lies, being a vegetarian or a non vegetarian. Food earned honestly and shared with others is the prasad of God.
  • The filth of ego cannot be washed away, even if one bathes at one hundred holy places. Who so ever controls the mind, he is a pilgrim.
  • The God is far above the effects of these auspicious moments and days every day is an auspicious day, every moment is mahurat, there is no ashub moment in the day created by god.
  • The way to true yoga is found by dwelling in God and remaining detached in the midst of worldly attachments, not in the sanyas, leaving family or wearing white or saffron robe.
  • Neither meditation nor reading holy books or reciting mantras or praying statue will help us in getting rid of our sins if our conduct is not right, or intentions are not right or if we are not fullfilling our comittments and not doing our duties sincerly and honestly.

Yes, in all the senses, it was the magical evening for me, may god gives me courage to follow the path explained to me or understood by me today.

सतनाम श्री वाहेगुरु एही नाम है अह्दारा ॥ सतनाम श्री वाहेगुरु एही नाम है अह्दारा ॥


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Loss of Emotion

Some wandering thoughts on Lazy afternoon of Gurupurab.., sitting at home@Ascona

Often I feel that some of our losses in today’s lifestyle tend to outweigh the gains when we look at the larger picture. That, to me, puts a whole new spin on the perception of success.

In our day to day work in the organisation where we spend 70% of our time, our team members are not individuals any more, they are Just Resources, Managers, Team Leaders, Head Count, FTEs (Full Time Equivalents), SMEs (Subject Matter Experts). ...

Their time is measured in man-hours quantified as being worth so many rupees or dollar or Euros or their CTCs (cost to company) . Life within the organisation is defined by deliverables or results for the individual; within or outside SLAs (Service Level Agreements).

While current meltdown is forcing organisation look ways and means to reduce cost, reduce expenditure. Typically in most of the organisations, first ones to get hit of the recession are the people in the lower end of organisation, as there is an organisational belief that if leaders are there in difficult times they can recreate the teams when things improve.

Slow down is also the time when organisation become more vigilant towards employee frauds or attrition of good or high performing managers instead of attrition of good, average, and bad in the growth phase...this the time where committement levels are the lowest, loyalties are at the lowest degree..Managers either act is haste, or just mindlessly

We can not blame anyone but ourselves, as there is an absence or very weak emotional relationship or bonding between organisation, its managers and its employee, everything is the with in CTC. or an attitude chuck people when you don't need them, for the sake of survival of organisation which is bigger than survival of an individual.

When this kind of commoditization happens in our society which was culturally very rich, and where relationships and commitments, promises were of paramount importance since ages, such practices are bound to affect moral fabric of people working for organisations.

And in the current orbit of performance driven, hire and fire life, we are creating an culture where individuals operate like robots, mindlessly executing whatever instructions are given to them, with indifferent attitude towards collegues, customers and organisation.
In this difficult times, we need an environment which can nurture, encourage and challenge the individual to achieve higher goals rather than just a doing the routine, work towards bringing back efficiencies, achieving higher productivities, better quality products and services, more agile, more responsive organisation where teams responds to change with sense of urgency.

To create such environment, i don't think incentive or money will ever work..but a emotional bonding , open and honest communication, involvement and inclusion of each individual may work.

As a Managers we need to check out beyond customary how are you ? Whats happening ? Or how was the weekend? Stuff…need to get more close, more inside the skin of their have one to one emotional bond...understand their prespective, reactions, and emotions..Remember that a man is a collection of many emotions gathered over the years.

So this the time, where we "need to get emotional"…for sake of humanity and our organisations, and shed the attitude of " I am like that Only"..

With best wishes of Gurupurab.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Parth & Kruti

"तुम बडो, मंजिल तुम्हारे ही लिए है,

तुम रुको, पायल तुम्हारे ही लिए है,

तुम बसंतो सी प्रगति यदि पा गए तों

गीत का हर स्वर तुम्हारे ही लिए है .


With Love, Your loving daddy..

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Innocent Question - Eklavya

Yesterday while spending time with me in the lawn while vacation,“Parth” ( my son, meaning of word पार्थ is dutiful warrior , undefeated king) while reading a comic book, Amar Chtira Katha asked me , Papa simple question why Dronacharya, has asked Eklavya to cut his thumb..?

I gave, answer which was taught to me in child hood , Dronacharya wanted Arjuna to remain undisputed and best Archer of the world

Parth was not satisfied with my answer, he looked at me, like i told him an obvious thing which he already knew. It made me think...why Drona has asked for it...? Asking for the thumb of an archer was equivalent to killing him, How could Dronacharya demand such a heavy prize from one disciple to protect the honor of the other ?

Nevertheless knowing that Eklavya had no remorse. Unruffled and with due humility, cheerfully and without protest, he cut his right thumb and placed at the feet of Dronacharya.
Few questions are still wondering in my mind, which i will be trying to figure out in my subsequent posts.
  • When Dronacharya has not taught any thing to Eklavya, wasn’t it totally wrong and sinful to ask Gurudakshina?
  • Why Eklavya has not refused to give his right hand thumb, or why he has not offered anything else in the bargain, including an competition with Arjun?
  • Why Eklavaya, mentioned that he learned Archery from Dronacharya’s statue, he could have altogether avoided entire episode?
  • Why Eklavya, wanted to be regarded as disciple of Dronacharya, what pride he got in getting associated with the name, was it his unfulfilled desire, which led him to sacrifice and humiliation.
  • Why was Dronacharya so protective about his prodigy Arjuna ?

Good Night.. had a very tiring day, cant write more..

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Futile Life

After many years, attempting to write in language of my conscience.

Today i have deleted my yesterdays usefless blog.., may be this one also remain for few days on this page before meeting the same fate.

Regards , Ravi


" मुझे याद है वह अद्भुत क्षण , जब तुम मेरे समूख आई थी ।
निर्मल, निश्छल, रूप छठा सी , जैसे उड़ती सी परछाई ।

घोर उदासी , गहन निराशा , जब जीवन में कुहरा छाया,
मंद, मंद स्वर तेरा गूंजा, मधुर रूप सपनो में आया ।

बीते वर्ष बवंडर टूटे, हुए खंडित स्वप्न सुहाने ,
किसी परी सा स्वप्न तुम्हारा , भूला वाणी स्वर पहचाने ।

सूनेपन एकांत हर्दय में , बीते बोझिल दिन निस्सार ,
बिना आस्था, बिना प्रेरणा रहे ना आंसू , जीवन , प्यार...।"


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Truth of life

Its quite late in night...or early in morning, just trying to control wandering thoughts..
Suddently remembered my father favourite poem of Harisvansh Rai Bachaan, which i believe is truth of my life also.

" मैं छुपाना जानता तो जग मुझे साधू समझत्ता
शत्रु मेरा बन गया है चल रहित व्यव्हार मेरा । ”

If i knew how to hide, the World would have thought me to be a saint. My unblemished nature has become my biggest enemy.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Good Morning Message

This morning, i woke up at 6.00 with the strong and meaningful words recieved through SMS staring at me from my mobile , very provoking one to read and follow.
“Challenge yourself beyond your limits. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you possess”
I shall, the moment I re start my a while..! Re starting life...does it sounds stupid..?
Yes last week i kept my life on long hold, to celebrate Diwali, celebrate life.. where i indulged in every thing which is bad for my health, and my bank balance, shopped endlessly for cloths, books, and music, played hard and partied hard.